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Get Involved:

Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Andrew make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

The most important way to help is to SPREAD the word!

Spread the Word

Talk to your neighbors, family and friends in the neighborhood and let them know that you are excited about a fresh face the is passionate about serving the needs of our growing neighboorhood/community!


It should go without saying but...if people don't vote then we can't get things done.  If you are already a registered voter, great!!!  If you aren't registered or need to update your voter registration (you have until August 8th) Click on the "Register to Vote" link above and it will take you directly to the Electronic Alabama Voter registration page.  Either way exercise your civic duty and privilege to go vote on August 25th at the Homewood Senior Center!!!


Homewood, 35209



Join the Campaign for Andrew Wolverton

Andrew Wolverton Edgeknoll Dr.

Homewood, AL 35209

Tel: (205) 530-3483



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